Wednesday, 28 November 2018

Chicken Licken

This is a movie about Chicken Likcken.  We did a movie about Chicken Licken because it was meaning to never use other peoples brain and always remember to use your own brain.

Tuesday, 27 November 2018

This is my favourite food

Image result for otaiThis week Rm 13 have been practising for the Summer Learning Journey in Christmas Holidays. This is and GOOD! practice before the Christmas Holiday and the Summer Learning Journey.

This is my favourite drink.  It is made in Tonga and it is a very refreshing drink for summer because you can put in ice and drink it all.  Tongans like to make otai on BIRTHDAYS! SUNDAYS! and most of all ANYTIME! we love otai.

Monday, 26 November 2018

The Fun Construction Day EVER!

The Fun Construction Day

On Friday the 9th of November 2018 Rm 13 went to the shade outside for a BIG! SURPRISE! Also Rm 10 and Rosser House came along to the BIG! SURPRIS! With Rm 13.  Mrs Noakes and the Teachers from the Rosser House Rm 13 and Rm 10 came along to the Big Surprise.  The Surprise was learning about CONSTRUCTION! WORK! We went at 9:15 in the morning. There are three activities: 1 of them is putting pipes in the sandpit, another activity is making shapes with water pipes and the last one is surveying and it means people working like people building new houses.

The first activity that we did was the sandpit. We put one pipe in the sandpit. Rm 10 was at the water pipes and Rosser House went to the surveying.  There were 4 people wearing work jackets, the 4 peoples jackets' colours were orange and the work hat’s were yellow.  The 4 people that were wearing the work hats and the yellow hats were Shamili, Paul, Dani and Solomone.  Shamili and Paul were the 2 people that were looking at what the workers were doing to see if they were doing it correctly and Dani and Solomone were the 2 people that were helping Shamili and Paul but seeing if the workers were doing the digging correctly and nicely.  Some of the workers got shovels and some got racks but we never needed the races because we couldn't dig with racks we needed the shovels. We took turns so the people that had shovels went to dig first and then the people with the racks stayed out of the sandpit but…..the 4 people that were wearing the orange jackets and the yellow hats never went to dig they just walked around the sandpit but OUTSIDE! The SANDPIT! And said only a little bit of sentences and also looked at the sandpit. Then a few mins later the people that were digging swapped and the people outside the sandpit were giving the racks to the people who gave them the shovel.  And then……….WE! GOT! ONE! PIPE! IN! THE! SANDPIT! Well……...the second group of people that came into the sandpit got one pipe in the SANDPIT! until….Ding Dong Ding Dong, it was time to move to the second activity and that was water pipes. 

The second activity that Rm13 did was the water pipes. Rm 10 went to the surveying and Rosser House went to the sandpit.  We went into 6 groups 3 each and the people that were in my group were Garv, Dwaraka and especially me.  We had to make shapes by using the water pipes but there was a board and the coaches were drawing a shape on the board for the 6 group to solve and also it is a race, the first group from the 6 groups win and get to poor water first. There was also a big white bucket filled up with water (clean water) and we used measuring cups to pour it into the pipes when they were finished and we also used a filter funnel.  We used the filter funnel to put it on top of the place that is pointing up and the way because the measuring cup is too big to fit in the pipe pointing up.  We did 4 or 5 shapes using the water pipes. And then the bell rang to move to the last activity.

The last activity that we did was Surveying. When we arrived at the hall we sat down on the floor so the 2 people could introduce themselves. One of them was a girl and the other was a boy so the boys name was Matt and the girls name was Lily, they first asked us What do we use to measure things? Some of the children put their hands up because they got an answer, some of the answers were correct and some of the others were wrong. The answers were rulers and measuring tape but Matt said that there is something else that we can use to measure things and that was LASERS! We were SOOOOO! SURPRISED WITH LASERS! So Matt took 5 children to go and play with L8 (robot) by putting the eye (little robot) to some corner so he can look at it and measure how long the eye measured.  We took 2 turns to move the eye.  The 5 people that went to Matt was Shamili, Robert, Mele, Paul and me.   We loved doing this but the rest of the class was looking at a map and measuring the houses and streets.  After the 2 turns for the 5 people that went with Matt we went back to class but first we said thank you! Matt and Lily.

All the activities were sooo fun that I mostly liked digging holes in the sandpit. It made me feel like I was at my dad's work helping him dig a long as hole. I really like the SURPRISE! And it was learning how to work if we grow up and build HOUSES!

Friday, 23 November 2018

The Golden man Saving Manoa

                         The Golden Man Saving Manoa

Once upon a time in the 15 Hundreds there was 3 groups and the 3 groups were Germany and 2 Spanish. The 1 spanish group was the 1 group and when they arrived to El Dorado the golden man heard the arrivals footsteps and the golden man went to every house in the village to tell them the DESTRUCTION! NEWS! So they can be safe and also never ever be found for an year or 2. Then I discussed myself and my people to be people who does not have anymore gold so the 3 groups will never ever be found again in the rainforest. The people looked like old people that has NO! GOLD! In there village and the golden man was discussed as the king of ROCKS! They also painted the gold like a rocky colour and they looked happy until……….. THE 2 SPANISH TEAMS ARRIVED and then…………………...they fell into pieces down on the sparkly and shiny water filled with big fishes and small fishes and they are really colorful and the birds are colorful like the fishes. BUT! They were very very VERY! ANGRY! So the El Dorado people was fighting with the 2 teams that arrived first and then the German team came along to FIGHT! And some people was killed but the one of the Golden mans survens was KILLED! And then the 3 teams leaved because they were ANGRY but there leader Sam said that they are going to come back and kill all of them.  THE END!
This week Rm 13 has been writing about the Golden man. This is my story about the Golden man

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Communicating With Others


This week for Rm13 we have been learning how to comunicate with other peers around the classroom. We talked about what we should do when talking with others, what we should say and what we should look like to do.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

The Dangerous Fireworks

The Dangerous Fireworks
I think that fireworks should be a banded to the cold places because it is DANGEROUS for people.

The first reason is that fireworks can be very DANGEROUS To kids, because fireworks can make FIRE!

The second reason is that the fireworks can be EXPENSIVE! And you can waste your own money for other things that are important to you.

Another reason is that when you are doing the fireworks you have to have an adult when doing the fireworks because it might do something wrong.

This week Rm 13 has been learning about an Persuasion.  An Persuasion means that I am changing somebody's mind.