Friday, 23 November 2018

The Golden man Saving Manoa

                         The Golden Man Saving Manoa

Once upon a time in the 15 Hundreds there was 3 groups and the 3 groups were Germany and 2 Spanish. The 1 spanish group was the 1 group and when they arrived to El Dorado the golden man heard the arrivals footsteps and the golden man went to every house in the village to tell them the DESTRUCTION! NEWS! So they can be safe and also never ever be found for an year or 2. Then I discussed myself and my people to be people who does not have anymore gold so the 3 groups will never ever be found again in the rainforest. The people looked like old people that has NO! GOLD! In there village and the golden man was discussed as the king of ROCKS! They also painted the gold like a rocky colour and they looked happy until……….. THE 2 SPANISH TEAMS ARRIVED and then…………………...they fell into pieces down on the sparkly and shiny water filled with big fishes and small fishes and they are really colorful and the birds are colorful like the fishes. BUT! They were very very VERY! ANGRY! So the El Dorado people was fighting with the 2 teams that arrived first and then the German team came along to FIGHT! And some people was killed but the one of the Golden mans survens was KILLED! And then the 3 teams leaved because they were ANGRY but there leader Sam said that they are going to come back and kill all of them.  THE END!
This week Rm 13 has been writing about the Golden man. This is my story about the Golden man

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