My Life in on a Polynesian Double Hull Canoe
My name is Fatafehi and I am Tongan
My life on a Polynesian double hull canoe is that will always bring food and water for my family. I will also bring animals and also plants to bring for the island. I will bring some animals like pigs, chickens and also some meat, I will also bring some beds for the granny's and grandpas to sleep on because they are really old and they need some rest, also we need some more little beds because of the children under 10 needs to sleep. But the people over 10 doesn't have to sleep but they can sleep but some people have to wake up during night to see if there are people that are going to attack us. My family has decided what kind of food that we will take on our new journey to our new life and new island. We will bring a lot of animals because we need to eat some animals to make sure there are more animals for my next journey. We know that our ride will take forever, so we decide to take a lot of our supplies from home because the nights might be really COLD!!!! And also we will bring clothes and some other stuff.
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