New Zealand is a Country of Love Not Hate
On Friday there was 50 Muslims that died. The Muslims were
very sad because their families died just because of a STUPID! Man
that hated Muslims, so he started to kill so many MUSLIMS! That
people were CRYING! CRYING! CRYING! But mostly the Muslim
families were actually CRYING! HARD! They went to their Muslim
churches, but the gate was locked, so they putted down flowers and
signs that was hanging on the gates. Almost everywhere I go there
are some Muslims that was holding flowers and some posters
and a Maori flag hanging on the gate. There were policies
around the Muslim churches to keep them safe and the policies
were opening the gates and the church for the Muslims to go
inside and pray for there family that died from the Mosque. The
people died in Christchurch were there was so many blood on the
roads, some families couldn't go to Christchurch so they went to
there churches and prayed there instead of Christchurch. Know the
Muslim girls and ladies are not aloud to go far away from their
homes any longer. It's sad for the Muslims that died in the mosque.
IT’S! SAD! But they already caught one of the people that killed
Muslims and that had SO! MUCH! HATE! IN! HIS!/HER! HEART!
But there was only 4 people that killed Muslims one is in jail. I just
want to tell you that