Thursday, 6 December 2018

The Reindeers Having No Rest

The Reindeers Having No Rest

I BELIEVE! that the people should put some treats for the Reindeers
for CHRISTMAS! And not only Santa

The Reindeers are always Flying in the air for Father Christmas
because Santa has to carry heavy Presents and the heavy Father Christmas.  
The Reindeers work very VERY! HARD! Because they have to FLY! In the air
and carry Big Santa, a lot of presents and also a HEAVY! SLEIGH! Up in the
air not having a rest or eat anything because they go to houses and only
Santa is the one that gets treats but not the Reindeers or even RUDOLPH!
Got any FOOD!

Every time Santa went to each house there was only cookies and milk
NO! Well there were no treats for the REINDEERS! Only for Santa.
 But when Santa came to every house and came out of the chimney the
Reindeers were HAPPY! To see him until Santa says………….THERE IS NO
CARROTS! And there ears go down and that means they are sad because
they are very VERY! HUNGRY! And there is no food for the Reindeers.

Santa hat cookies and milk.  He gets to eat he but the Reindeers don’t get any
food and they are sad.  Santa is getting bigger and bigger but the Reindeers
and getting skinnier and skinnier than they were before, and also the
SLEIGH! Is getting heavier and HEAVIER! And it also incloudes the present.
Santa eats a lot of Coockies and Milk.


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